1966 GMC Suburban Frame off resto – MONTHLY UPDATES
Purchased 1-21-2021
Day I brought the Suburban home | January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December | January 2022 | February | March | April | May | June | July | Misc Updates
Some of the parts bought
Jody’s tribute page
That will pretty much be it as I’m done building it. It’s been a great build. I’m sure I’ll be posting an occasional pic here and there.
Approx 1500 hours and $$$$$ spent.
If you haven’t already, you can click on the monthly updates above to see that month’s progress, details and pics.
Thanks for reading!
10-1-22 Just a couple pics I took while out and about.
Fathers Day June 18, 2023
June 29th, 2023
Took my ’66 Suburban out last night. Stopped at Quaker Steak and Lube, then went over to Orange County Choppers Road House @ Bert’s Harley-Davidson, Clearwater, FL
Hadn’t had the truck out for awhile. Life took a hard right turn on us. Wife of 37 years was diagnosed with GBM brain cancer in January.
So it was nice to take the truck out and try to forget about life for a couple hours.
Closed our motorcycle paint business after 21 years in March (Attitude Custom Painting). Just finished the truck in the nick of time. Jody was diagnosed soon after I finished the frame-off.
Now working for Bert’s Harley-Davidson as they will be opening a bodyshop soon and I’ll be running it!!!
Tools, equipment, paint and more.
Auto Body Store