August Updates – 1966 GMC Suburban

1966 GMC Suburban Frame off resto – MONTHLY UPDATES
Purchased 1-21-2021

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Some of the parts bought

Jody’s tribute page

Some of my other projects –
My 1966 GMC Suburban ” Custom” Project (started January 2021)
My 1963 GMC Suburban “Custom” (FOR SALE) Fauxtina/Patina paint job FS pageGalleryVideo
My 1972 Montego GT 429 / 521

My 1973 Montego MX (see monthly updates toward the top once you get to the page)
My 1966 Chevy C-10  (see monthly updates toward the top once you get to the page)

My 1977 Trans Am Buccaneer Red
My 1963 Pro Street C10 (back halved frame off I did this back in 1992) Video
Some of my other cars and trucks
My YouTube Channel (how-tos, projects, paint jobs…)

August updates – This was a big month. Pulled the body off, sandblasted and painted the frame.
Installed all components on the frame. Got the Blueprint 496 AND installed it along with the TCI SuperStreetfighter on August 30th) Also been working on smoothing the firewall. Pics and info below.

Sunday August 1st. Went in and pulled the motor and trans. Removed the rear. This was a TON of work to do for one person. I did plan on using my cherry picker to remove the engine and trans but since I haven’t used if for 5 years, I guess is leaked some fluid. So I ended up using the same hoist I pulled the body with.
Worked out good though.
Had to remove the exhaust manifolds and I broke one of the bolts trying to unbolt the exhaust from the manifolds.

8-3 – Removed the wheels so my motorcycle rack could lift up the frame evenly. Started in on removing the front suspension. Hard to find those cotter pins lol
The door shown on the right in the last pic is NOT for my truck. This happens to be a door from a local customer that has a C10 truck

POSSIBLY a color like Harley-Davidson Sedona Orange which I believe it close to Sunset Daytona Orange that came on the Corvettes.


August 3 – Front suspension is off

1966 GMC Suburban Frame

8-4 Working on taking the control arms apart. Big muscle to take off those big lower control arm nuts along with the ball joints. All set though

Got the control arm shafts and ball joints out. The front were riveted on. What a job that was to get them out.
Almost got the frame ready to blast. Need to degrease a bit, and remove the original shock mounts.
I will also be removing the transmission crossmember (bolted on) as I have a new CPP shock and trans crossmember.
I haven’t decided whether to do the C-notch before or after sandblasting.

Finished installing the c-notch from CPP.
Ended up having to remove 34 rivets total. What a job.
Had the frame degreased along with the control arms.
Getting close to have the frame sandblasted

August 11th – Sent the frame out to get sandblasted

August 13 – RIP Scooter 🙁
I painted some of my suspension parts

Sat August 14th – Went in and removed all bolts/parts off the firewall.

Also brought home the parts I painted at work and assembled whatever I could. I should be getting the frame back tomorrow. I have one notch to cutout along with very minor bodywork I want to do on the front section. Then I’ll spray primer, sealer, and SEM Hot Rod Black

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GMC Suburban firewall

Sunday August 15th – Went in and painted a few more parts. Front and rear sway bars along with the rear track bar. I sprayed the track bar yesterday but it got a nick in it when it moved on the rack.

8-16 – Dug in on the firewall. Figure about 25 holes need to be welded up
My frame should be done getting sandblasted tomorrow…can’t wait. Got everything in order to prime, seal and paint it. Notice that outie dimple on the topside of the curved firewall area. This will be ‘flat’ when done.

Also see that the factory firewall has notch or cutout that was for the big block V6 351e. I’m HOPING that this is enough of a cutout along with the 2″ movement forward of the big block motor mounts that I have no problems with interference of the big block valve covers.
I used the same motor mounts on my ’63 C10 that I did back on ’91 and had a problem the with the passenger side hitting the firewall, but just barely, I still had to notch it a bit though.

Week of 8-16 – BUSY week on the burb. Got the frame sandblasted by Blast Services in Clearwater. Already primed. sealed and painted it in SEM Hot Rod Black. Also sprayed pretty much the rest of the suspension parts including control arms and fuel tank. Brought the trailer home.

8-19 – Got the trailer home in the garage…Now for the fun part!

Weekend – August 21st – 22nd. Big weekend. Installed power steering, rear end, got the upper control arms together, trailing arms, mounts, trailing arm crossmember….
Took the lowers to Ace Tire on 49th St and I “though” was going to press the ball joints in. They ended up beating the crap out of them to get them in. Heck I could have done that. Will need to at least repaint. I’m taking them back in to show them what they did and assure me they will be all right.

Lots got done though

Week of the 23rd – Got all 4 suspension corners in. Lookin’ good. Fuel tank is in.
Parents stopped by the shop on the 25th for lunch at work so they could check out the frame.
They were thinking the frame was as work. They got to see the body though.
Busy at work. I’m still working on the firewall. I got about all the holes smoothed that I wanted. I would say there was about 25 holes.
I was “supposed” to receive my Blueprint 496 on the 25th to, but for some reason FedEx freight is held up in Jacksonville with no mention of a delivery date now. Bummer. So still waiting after 4 months.

Finally got the firewall in primer. Still waiting on the motor. Still waiting on the tires to come in. They are late coming in as well. Was told 8 days, it’s been 10 now.
Took the body outside for the first time in about a month.
Bodywork at the shop. Mechanical at home. I like it 🙂

8-28 Saturday. Went into the shop for a couple hours, did some minor fine tuning of the firewall. Smoothed a few more holes, sanded it and reprimed.
Then went home and worked more on the frame
CPP battery drop box (I also had this on my C10)
Dug in on the brake lines CPP stainless lines and hoses
Front sway bar – installed but not completely. I don’t know if I have to have it sitting on the ground with weight on it. I know on the rear I will have to wait.

I saw online that my motor should be here tomorrow – FINALLY
Tires should be in this week as well.
Hey, I may have a roller next week – YES

August 29th – Started installing the Holley Sniper EFI. Spent a couple hours trying to figure out how to install it. I know they say you need to install it below the tank with the fitting on the bottom of the tank, but that ain’t happening. I read where a lot of people use the topside fitting. It’s a must to have 3/8″ hose and tubing along with 3/8″ return line (from what I read, it was previously okay to use 5/16″ for the return line)

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Holley EFI Sniper

August 30th – Another BIG Day! After waiting 4+ months, the Blueprint 496 finally arrived!!! I had it shipped to our shop and had FedEx load it directly on the back of my Ram. Got it home and with the help of my wife unloaded it. Installed the TCI Super Streetfighter TH350 ( #311005 ) along with the TCI convertor ( #240900 ) along with the TCI flex plate ( # 399873 ).
I’ll be using TCI 950600 Max Shift Racing Transmission Fluid. Already installed some in the torque convertor.
I used ARP 200-2906 bolts to attach the flex plate to the crank.
I also used ARP bolts to connect the trans to the block.
Bolts to connect the convertor to the flex plate are grade 8. These came with the torque convertor.

I tried installing the trans/motor by myself. I almost got it, but neighbors Derek and Glenn came to the rescue to help me out.

I also made a couple brackets that I might use for the EFI pump so it moves it out from the frame.
If I ever have a problem with this pump and have to change it with the body on, it’s going to be a nightmare. So the brackets will help put it more in the open.

During the day at the shop, I worked more on the firewall doing some minor detail work to make sure it looks perfect.

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