1966 GMC Suburban Frame off resto – MONTHLY UPDATES
Purchased 1-21-2021

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Some of the parts bought

Jody’s tribute page

Hope to get the doors, inner fenders, hood and possibly the clam shell doors sandblasted, bodywork and primed this month.

Inner fenders and hood are off. Plan on taking to the sandblaster this week.

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2-6-21 Bodyworked and got the right quarter in primed. This quarter made up for the very nice left quarter lol
I have about 5 hours bodywork in doing it on top of what was already there. Still will need to block, and reprime.
. No rust just got hammered at one time. Also got the hood, hinges, inner fenders back from getting sand blasted. They look great. One rust spot on the left rear on the hood. Front edge is perfect.
These are known to rust on the leading edge.

Pics of the inner fenders and hood after sandblasting. Lot’s of holes to weld up on the inner fenders.

Wanted. Right 1/4 trim molding that comes on the GMC Custom Suburbans. I only need the right 1/4 molding that goes below the right sliders.

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