Resto-Mod 1966 GMC Suburban

1966 GMC Suburban Frame off resto – MONTHLY UPDATES
Purchased 1-21-2021

Day I brought the Suburban home | January | February | March | April | May | June
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Some of the parts bought

Jody’s tribute page

Some of my other projects –
My 1966 GMC Suburban ” Custom” Project (started January 2021)
My 1963 GMC Suburban “Custom” (FOR SALE) Fauxtina/Patina paint job FS pageGalleryVideo
My 1972 Montego GT 429 / 521

My 1973 Montego MX (see monthly updates toward the top once you get to the page)
My 1966 Chevy C-10  (see monthly updates toward the top once you get to the page)

My 1977 Trans Am Buccaneer Red
My 1963 Pro Street C10 (back halved frame off I did this back in 1992) Video
Some of my other cars and trucks
My YouTube Channel (how-tos, projects, paint jobs…)

2-6-22 Still trying to figure out the carpet. I may have found a round about way of doing it. I ordered a 67-72 Blazer carpet only to find out it’s too narrow by about 2″. So I came up with the idea of turning it sideways and cutting it around the tubs. Then use my 3′ foot of ‘extra carpet’ to go under the seat onto the front floor board. From what I measured, the seam will end up under the seat. Fingers crossed

Took the truck out of the garage.
Most of the weekend was spent trying to figure out why my 1209 Auto Meter gauge is not working. I think I’ve come to the conclusion it’s the gauge itself

Took of pic of the front end

2/10 – Happy birthday to my lovely wife of 36 years…..and me!
The big 60

2/11 RIP Big Boy Taz
Our 17 year old tabby passed

Prepped the inside and outside of the hood. Painted the inside of the hood…. the last piece of the puzzle

Feb 20th
My 1963 GMC Suburban went bye bye. Headed to SC to it’s new owner. I took some pics of both Suburbans together. I’ve own both for about a year now and this is the first time they’ve been together….ah, feel the love. lol

Feb 21 – The seats came in! Took 16+ weeks to get but they did come in. Well worth the wait. I think the color looks great with the interior and exterior color.
Also painted the outside of the Suburban hood. Had a setback with the tailgate. I had it hung aligned and closed perfect but the bottom left corner was not right. So I pulled it off and reworked it. So I blended and sprayed that again. Dropped a bolt on the rear bumper and put a nice chip it in. When it rains, it pours
All are corrected and painted now.
Lot’s of buffing now.

Feb 24th –
Glued the jute on the back of the ACC carpet and installed it. For never doing carpeting, I think it came out great.
Ron’s upholstery in Pinellas Park, added the black binding around the edge. Dropped of my shifter boot so they could do it in the same material as the seats
Reinstalled my tailgate and aligned. Closes super nice
Also placed the seats where they will be installed. Probably will take out the front seats so I still have more room to work.
I also sprayed some HOK UC35 clear with some black in it over the new turn signal lenses. I did the housings about 5 months ago.

Feb 27 – The hood is on. Also installed the park lamps and got them working.
My neighbors Eric and Derrick along with Jody helped installing the Suburban hood. That thing is awkward and heavy
Me and Jody installed the rear hatch glass.