Check out our Custom Paint Forum!
6000+ Auto, motorcycle, airbrush, pinstriping, body and other helpful members!
Articles, how-tos, tips, and other info.
The forum is free to register, post, and view all the forums 21,000 plus posts and replies and tons of information
can be found within our Custom Paint Forum
Discussion of how to do real fire, prep, bodywork, airbrushing, tools that you need like spray guns, compressors, pinstripe brushes, and much more. If you are a painter, you need to register. Its FREE (be sure and subscribe to the How-To section)The custom paint forum uses Vbulletin software that includes custom airbrush paint on motorcycles, metal and fiberglass.
Paints discussed includes candy paint ghost flames, Kameleon paint (House of Kolor) and Harlequin (PPG), gold leaf, lettering, pinstriping, old school flames, graphics, tribal, american flags and Indian designs, animals, skulls, and lightning, along with priming techniques. The forum even includes some post and threads on spray can painting.
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Tools, equipment, paint and more.
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