You will basically do the same thing as you would a overlaying flame job. That is, that you want to do two flame jobs. One on top of the other. Once you do this, you need to choose which 'licks' you want to go OVER the second flame job. You need to mask up the ones you want to go over. In the above pic, you see that i just have the ones I want masked up. It's a good idea just to put a piece of tape on each one you would like masked up before you actually mask them up.
Here you can see , we have them masked up. We have also sprayed a basecoat, to 'kill' the other flame licks that will eventually look like the go UNDER the top flame job.
We also just airbrushed the edges of the flame job.
This is what it looks like with all the masking paper off. You can revert back to the 1st pic to see WHY one goes over and others go under.
Now we will go ahead and candyCandy Apple is a tri-stage paint that is basically a clear with dye in it. It is applied over another color (most of the time it would be a metallic paint) to give it extreme depth. Most candy apple jobs are applied over either a silver or gold basecoat. Spraying over different basecoats will give the same color candy apple different effects. If you spray candy apple over white, you will get a brighter solid candy color. Spraying over a black pearl will make the color extremely dark, but you will still see the pearl flakes the same color as the candy apple. and clear the complete parts.
Here you see we added candy tangerine over the complete part along with clear.
The finished product. This shows where we resanded the clear that was applied before and added 'full' drop shadow.
A drop shadow is a "shadow" that is a result of faint spray of paint that is sprayed directly next to a flame, graphic, lettering…It is meant to give the object a 3D illusion.s to both flame jobs.
THis REALLY brings out the depth to the job.
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