11-29 – Xray done for preop
11-28 –
Jody went for the Preop exam at Sandbay. EKG, heart, blood…still have to get the X-ray
10AM appoint with Neurosurgeon Dr Asif Shafiq went over the MRI’s with us and showed us what he’s seeing.
He does see swelling along with a lesion. He set up to have a biopsy done on Friday December 2nd. A preliminary meeting with her doctor to make sure she is fit for the surgery.
He put her on a form of steroid and antiseizure medicine which really seem to be aleviating the pain and keep the swelling down. No more episodes or moments.
11-22 Tuesday – called Koebbe office to see if we brought the scans and the MRI results.
They said bring them in for the appoint. No need to bring them in earlier
11-21 The Neurosurgeon they referred does not accept Ambetter. We found one on our own
11/21 – Should be a scheduled appoint with the nerosurgon
called michael at 9, No answer in the PP clinic. Called Clearwater. Talked to Cindy. Requested Michael to call us. Michael is out. They called back and another girl is supposed to be setting up the appoint. I also requested an email address to send Dr Amy a shareable link to the videos. When they called back and talked to Jody, they did not give her the info for me to send the links to the videos
11/21 follow-up that I thought was cancelled. This will be at the Sandbay in PP
The Neurosurgeon does not accept Ambetter
–Jody called at 1:05 and no one has set up an appoint yet
11-19-22 – We went in and saw Amy. The news was not good. A large mass over 4 lobes of the brain. They will be calling a Neurosurgeon Monday AM and get Jody in ASAP We hope and pray that it’s curable
Took a selfie of us (below). Last picture before finding out the bad news!!
11-18-22 – Dr Amy called while we were in the waiting room for my colonoscopy and mentioned that instead of waiting for the appoint on Tuesday, she needed
to see us tomorrow (Friday)
11/21 – Called Dr Koebbe at 1:15. Appoint set for Wed 10:00 – FINALLY
11-18 Was called in on Friday instead of the following Tuesday
They found a ‘large mass’ that covered all 4 lobes of the brain
11-16 MRI performed
11-9 Jody called at about 1:15 and they FINALLY got authorization!!!
Now they need to set the appt
After CT-scans cancellations due to insurance not covering them, a MRI was approved
10/20 – Went the second time for a memory test. This time Vu Duong was the doctor. Someone else did the memory test though. They mentioned that the insurance company denied authorization for the CT Scan since bloodwork came back good.
So they did a memory test. I thought she did great. They mentioned, she did ‘okay’ which is fine with me. May help us get approval for MR
10/3/22 – First doctor’s appoint. Took a blood sample and basic vitals
Blood work came back fine.
Jody has had recent episodes where she would feel nauseous and then lose her memory temporarily.
we got her set up to see a doctor early October 3, 2022
This is a been an extremely trying and drawn out process the past months (since 8/22).
Please keep Jody in your thoughts and prayers
Jody’s (and mine) worst fear is that it’s GBM (Glioblastoma). Let’s hope it’s not this, or at least it is caught early enough they can take care of it through surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. Her father passed away in 2005 with this at the age of 63. Jody is 56. This does not mean Jody has it, Her father’s cancer progressed very quickly as it only took about 2 1/2 months. We’re past that timeframe with Jody when the tumor was first diagnosed.
EDIT – We we’re told that Jody does have GBM. They are going with an aggressive treatment
2/27/ –I knew our daughter and son-in-law was getting together a 50/50 for Jody, but didn’t realize, she was also doing a silent auction fundraiser (well over 20 contributors) along with a GoFundMe page.
The Charity Event will be held at OCC (Bert’s Harley-Davidson) March, 16th, 2023
Our neighbor Kirsten has started a neighborhood fundraiser and started gathering items for a ‘beach themed’ silent auction item for OCC. She has done So much for us. She’s an incredible person. She started a ‘meal train’ which I had never hear of and so much other help since the beginning. A LOT and I mean a LOT of neighbors are pitching in, in
either donations, meal drive, or some super nice comments on FB.
Next store neighbors Derek and Heidi and absolutely awesome on helping me along all this. We went camping together at Fort DeSoto back when this all started and I mentioned seeing some signs.
It’s just been a super LONG grueling process/journey. It’s so nice to have family, friends (both new and old), neighbors, and our “Woods at Lake Seminole” community pitch in.
I won’t lie, it’s been extremely overwhelming to be the “receiver” of all this generosity, but I want everyone know, that it is greatly appreciated
We were told that brain cells are stronger than cancer. The radiation / chemo pills will kill off the cancer cells before the brain cells.
As of 1-21-23, Jody is doing good.
As of 2-23-23 Jody is getting weak. No appetite. The doctors said this is pretty normal for this type of aggressive treatment of radiation and chemo pills
3-10 Jody was taken by ambulance 3-8 and still in the hospital
She can get through this though. She’s a fighter. Young and in good health.
You can do this babe – 37 years strong – #jodyfstrong
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