1966 GMC Suburban Frame off resto – MONTHLY UPDATES
Purchased 1-21-2021
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Some of the parts bought
Jody’s tribute page
July 2022
Almost done. Finished the AC last month. Looks and works great. Had to do a few mods since the Vintage Air kit was really for a Chevy. GMC has a slightly different dash
Also had to relocate the ignition coil to behind the glove box door
Also will be finishing the seat belts. I purchased retractable front belts and regular lap belts for the rear
July 12th – My first showing at Quaker Steak and Lube in Pinellas Park. Though it rained earlier, the rain quit but the show was already cancelled. I didn’t find that out until we got there. Had dinner. Then we went across the street to OCC Road House.
July 21st – Went to Larry’s Car and Truck show at the Quaker Steak and Lube in Pinellas Park.
About 65 cars and trucks were there. Took “Best of Show”
Beforehand, I had to quickly change a starter that I ordered from Jegs. It arrived the same day. My previous starter grenaded in the Lowe’s parking lot last weekend and luckily I had a backup that also had issues. Both were from KMJ on ebay. See pic below of the one that came apart
Took Lucy on about a 10 mile ride.
Tools, equipment, paint and more.
Auto Body Store