1966 GMC Suburban Frame off resto – MONTHLY UPDATES
Purchased 1-21-2021
Day I brought the Suburban home | January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December | January 2022 | February | March | April | May | June | July | Misc Updates
Some of the parts bought
Jody’s tribute page
Some of my other projects –
My 1966 GMC Suburban ” Custom” Project (started January 2021)
My 1963 GMC Suburban “Custom” (FOR SALE) Fauxtina/Patina paint job FS page – Gallery – Video
My 1972 Montego GT 429 / 521
My 1973 Montego MX (see monthly updates toward the top once you get to the page)
My 1966 Chevy C-10 (see monthly updates toward the top once you get to the page)
My 1977 Trans Am Buccaneer Red
My 1963 Pro Street C10 (back halved frame off I did this back in 1992) Video
Some of my other cars and trucks
My YouTube Channel (how-tos, projects, paint jobs…)
March 3 – Had the slider frames worked on. Had some channel made and had Kling Fabrication here in Pinellas Park do the splicing in. Then had Blast Services in Clearwater sandblast all frames. I then 2K primed them, sealed them with a dark gray sealer, basecoat, then clearcoat. Went with gloss clear. Though it would look nice against the matte black.
Also started installing the seats. finished my door panels along with getting some arm rests covered.
Had a custom shifter boot made in the same Cayenne material
March 5th – Took the Suburban and the end of our subdivision and took some pics
Got the front seats bolted in. May purchase some taller risers. I just feel a little low lol
Went out for a little ‘night’ drive around the neighborhood. Checked out all lights. Seem to work fine.
3-15-22 Took the Suburban to a parking lot, wiped it down, took a video and some pics.
Still working on it.
Looking into stereos. Thinking of getting an Audison Prima amp, and speakers. Head unit will probably be a retro looking one. The USA-740
3-15-22 Started installing the 4 slider window assemblies using Steele weatherstripping. So far so good
VACATION – 3/16 – 3/30 NH, NYC, DC, Fayetteville, Savannah, home
3-30 Back from vacation.
Started back in on the Suburban sliders. Got all the glass in and the Steel weatherstrip cut. Looks great. Have to work on a couple of the windows to see if I can get them to slide more freely.
Tools, equipment, paint and more.
Auto Body Store