Jody's Journey- Fight Against Cancer
Monthly Updates
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The March 16th Fundraiser at OCC Road House
(Bert's Harley-Davidson – Clearwater)
GoFundMe page setup by our daughter Ashlee
Misc updates

Added 9/18/23 – Jody’s Tribute Page

With a very deep heart, I'm sorry to announce that my
JODY, the love of my life for 39 years, HAS PASSED AWAY – 9-4-23 AT 2:47PM
We would have been married 38 years 10/5/23
After 21 years, I decided to close our business due to Jody's health.
I'm working at Bert's Harley-Davidson (Clr).
Contact Bert's Barracuda,  Black Widow or Black Pearl to get paint shop info
All new equipment, new booth, 3000' building.  – Attitude Custom Painting FB page | Bert's FB page

Welcome to Attitude Custom Painting!

candy flames - matte clear finish

Candy flames – Matte Finish

Black base candy gold, candy tangerine, candy red over silver for the flames. Brighter solid blue outline Airbrushed drop shadows for a 3D look Awesome...

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Double Flame Job – Cornhole Board

We’ve been told that we pretty much paint anything, well, here is something, I’ve never painted…a cornhole board. Yep, I got me a cornhole board! ...

blog featured

The Tribal Challenge

Now this match job was quite the challenge! Matching a custom paint job done by another painter is not always the easiest task. I’ve matched...

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