Jody's Journey- Fight Against Cancer
Monthly Updates
September | August | July | June | May | April | March |February
January 2023 | December | October/November
The March 16th Fundraiser at OCC Road House
(Bert's Harley-Davidson – Clearwater)
GoFundMe page setup by our daughter Ashlee
Misc updates

Added 9/18/23 – Jody’s Tribute Page

With a very deep heart, I'm sorry to announce that my
JODY, the love of my life for 39 years, HAS PASSED AWAY – 9-4-23 AT 2:47PM
We would have been married 38 years 10/5/23
After 21 years, I decided to close our business due to Jody's health.
I'm working at Bert's Harley-Davidson (Clr).
Contact Bert's Barracuda,  Black Widow or Black Pearl to get paint shop info
All new equipment, new booth, 3000' building.  – Attitude Custom Painting FB page | Bert's FB page

Welcome to Attitude Custom Painting!


Happy Birthday!

A Big Happy Birthday to my “Better Half” (and boss) Oh yea…it’s my birthday to 🙂 Yep our birthdays are the same day (Feb 10th)...

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Welcome to Attitude Custom Painting

We are proud to say that we’ve entered our 17th year (2002-2019) of car, truck and motorcycle painting!  If you’re looking for a reliable, experienced...

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Take a look at this paint ?

What an awesome effect this paint gives. It’s basically has a colorshift from a nice rich green to a copper color along with a hint...

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Candy Metaflake

How about this candy paint job. Believe it or not, this is all silver metalflake. Then the colors are produced by applying different colors of...

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Added a new parts for sale section

See our new section with both new and used parts including fenders, tanks, stretched baggers kits, used emblems along with RARE Harley-Davidson Items. If you...

Free estimates!