Jody's Journey- Fight Against Cancer
Monthly Updates
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The March 16th Fundraiser at OCC Road House
(Bert's Harley-Davidson – Clearwater)
GoFundMe page setup by our daughter Ashlee
Misc updates

Added 9/18/23 – Jody’s Tribute Page

With a very deep heart, I'm sorry to announce that my
JODY, the love of my life for 39 years, HAS PASSED AWAY – 9-4-23 AT 2:47PM
We would have been married 38 years 10/5/23
After 21 years, I decided to close our business due to Jody's health.
I'm working at Bert's Harley-Davidson (Clr).
Contact Bert's Barracuda,  Black Widow or Black Pearl to get paint shop info
All new equipment, new booth, 3000' building.  – Attitude Custom Painting FB page | Bert's FB page

Welcome to Attitude Custom Painting!

EPA body shop regulations – 2011

EPA has new requirements to reduce air pollution of metals such as chrome, lead, cadmium, manganese and nickel compounds, and also to reduce methylene chloride...

Welcome to our updated website!

I am in the process of redoing the website. Hope you like what you see so far! –Comprehensive search for both the website and a...

Free estimates!