Attitude Custom Painting – Heritage set now on sale-give-away priced!
Attitude Custom Paint – Our pre-painted Heritage paint set is now on sale!
We just lowered the price listed on the website for our Heritage pre-painted Signature Set down to ONLY $995* + a good trade in set.
What a great deal!!!
The paint job is a black base with alum/white pearl ghost flames with a painted silver bar and shield on the sides of the tank.
This is a show quality paint job!!!! We’ve wetsanded and buffed all three parts so you cannot feel any edge on the flames or logo.
New pics were just uploaded. To check them out – go to our website, and click on the SS#182.
You can also see what years this particular set will fit.
This set is ready to ship or pick up. If you are local, we can install this set for you.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
Scott and Jody Farrell
Attitude Custom Painting
*FL residents must pay applicable sales tax
If you do not ship your set down to us first before we ship the custom paint set, you will be required to pay a $500 core charge in which you will get back once we get your original set in return.
Your set must not have any extra holes in the fenders, any damage to the parts, and must have the original paint.