Happy New Year from Attitude Custom Painting!
We hope you had a great holiday and are ready for a new year that’s right around the corner.
In case you’re thinking about putting a new paint job on your bike, we wanted to let you know that we’ve been busy painting some new pre-painted. Signature Sets that are really beautiful and would look great on any bike. These sets are priced to sell quickly and with no exchange required so check them out! We are also ready to clear out our other Signature Sets that we’ve had for sale so if you’ve had your eye on one – take another look as we’ve lowered the prices even further in our End of Year Blowout sale!
If you don’t see something you want but are thinking about a new paint job, this is a great time to get your set done and we’ll work out a great deal for you! Great prices with short turnaround times sounds like a winning combination to get you started off right for the new year!
We also want to mention that we also paint autos so if you’re in need of an overall paintjob or even just a spot job and live in FL, check out our Automotive section and contact us for a quote. You get the same quality on your vehicle that we put on our motorcycle jobs and at a very reasonable price!
We wish you and your family the best and we hope to hear from you – Ride Safe!
Scott Farrell
Attitude Custom Painting