How about a trip down memory lane?
2002 was the year. I just turned 40. I was working at a local dealership as a painter. Side jobs were starting to roll in faster than I could get them out. It was time to take the plunge. My wife agreed. If we were going to do it, now was the time. Little did we know the motorcycle craze was just about to take off. The following year was Harley-Davidson’s 100th year anniversary. They could make bikes fast enough.
It was time for us to get on the internet and prove that we had great service, quality paint jobs and great prices. I painted some of the jobs at work, we used our garage as our shipping room. It worked out great…for a very little time
I had just worked for an internet company doing 2 years of software installations around the world along with support and modifications to their software. This sure helped build my first Attitude Custom Painting website which back then was known as Custom Flame Painting.
My wife Jody came on board and started working about 6 months after we opened as business was really taking off. At one time we had 62 jobs in at once. All of them were custom paint jobs. No cars or motorcycle spot jobs. We grew to 2 spray booths and 5 employees.
The years have all gone to fast. We’ve satisfied many of customers which is a great joy to both of us. Nothing like seeing their faces when they can see the paint job in person or receiving a testimonial after they open those boxes and see their stunning paint job.
Thanks for the Wayback Machine, they had a backup of my first ACP (CFP) website. I’d like to share a screenshot with you.
You can see some of our archived screenshots they’ve saved throughout the years here.
3000+ motorcycle paint jobs later…here we are in 2019, still enjoying what we started in 2002 :>)
Thank you
Scott Farrell
Screenshot taken 2002