by acp · Published · Updated
Want to totally change the look of the inside of your bed? Let Atittude Custom Painting spray a protective bed liner in your truck bed.
Not only is the sprayable bed liner durable, it is extremely sharp looking. It will also add value to your truck. Let’s face it, the old plastic bed liners are dated and ugly. Plus eventually you end up with a bunch of leaves, trash, and muck under the bed liner. Years of it rubbing back and forth on your bed floor and sides will eventually rub through your paint, and cause rust issues in your bed.
The sprayable bed liner adheres well, looks great, and resists chipping.
We’ll prep the bed of your truck, mask up the truck, then seal and spray (not roll) the sprayable bed liner in the inside of your bed. We only use Raptor bed liner.
Ready for us to spray your bed liner?
Cost (material costs are included) –
BLACK bed liner
Shortbed – $650
Longbed – $750
Tintable w/ color close to your truck
Shortbed – $775
Longbed – $875
Most jobs done within 1 full day
Bodywork not included. We would only be able to do minor dings and dents
The bed must be clear of storage boxes, liners, tonneau cover, garbage….
Sprayable protective coating bed liner for short bed and long bed trucks. This can also be painted on other parts other than truck beds
Tools, equipment, paint and more.
Auto Body Store